Monday 14 November 2011

Moved in!

OK, all moved into the apartment now, and my girlfriend is away in germany for a week! time to get building!
I spent 4 hours saturday evening and sunday morning making the rib mortices (had to stop because I didn't want to disturb the neighbours with my drilling).

Basically, I drill two holes, with an 8 mm drill, and connect them with a chisel, and square the hole so I can fit a piece of the rib stock into it.

Next up, ribs!
I spent about half an hour measuring and cutting the ribs to lenght, and built myself a quick improvised steam box of a sheet of styrofoam I got when I bought a bookshelf last week.

The bending was far from perfect, with about 8 ribs broken, and most of the others had quite sharp bends, but I forgot my bending jig when I moved and I was too lazy to keep going after 2½ hours and decided it was good enough.

I started tying on the keel and chines, but I'll get some pictures and add them in the next post. :)

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